A new mechanism of toxicity of a group of carcinogenic compounds derived from diet and environment has been revealed

IBioBA (CONICET – Max Planck Partner) researcher Lucas Pontel and his team have just published a paper in Nature Communications describing a new mechanism of damage caused by a group of carcinogenic compounds known as aldehydes.  They identified that formaldehyde attacks the antioxidant defenses of cells, and described the factors that prevent this damage. This…

¿How do the body and cells react to stress?

Ludmila Budziñski, PhD Fellow at IBioBA, studies which are the mechanisms that activate under stress at the Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry in Munich, Germany. When an organism undergoes a stressful situation, a series of processes activate in tissues, cells and molecules in order to mitigate the impact of stress. The body seeks to reestablish…