Neuro-endocrine tumors: cellular and molecular mechanisms

Group Leader

Dr. Eduardo Arzt
See CV


Mariana Fuertes.

PhD Students

David Gonilski Pacin,

Florencia L. Herbstein,

Josefina Rosmino,

Nicolas Esteban Ciancio del Giudice,

Manuel Fiz.

Undergraduate student

Joaquina Cagliero.

RSUME action on the adaptive response to hypoxia and tumorigenic process

Hypoxic stress activates diverse signal transduction pathways including posttranslational modification with SUMO. The aim of this project is to understand the molecular mechanisms used by RSUME, a protein identified in our laboratory as an enhancer of the SUMOylation pathway in the adaptive response to hypoxia. Specifically, our group studies how the activity of VHL and of hypoxia-inducible factors (HIFs) are modulated by RSUME, especially in the context of the processes of angiogenesis and vascularization. Our aim is to characterize the role of RSUME in tumorigenesis, and to contribute to the understanding of the molecular mechanisms involved in the development of Von Hippel Lindau (VHL) tumors, such as pheocromocytomas and Renal Cell Carcinomas (RCC).

Pituitary adenomas are benign monoclonal neoplasms that arise from the different cell types that compose the anterior pituitary. It is known that genetic/epigenetic events, hormonal stimulation and growth factors are involved in the beginning and the development of pituitary adenomas. The main goal of our research is to characterize this interaction, at the molecular and functional levels, in order to find etiological agents and molecules involved in tumor development and progression that might serve as a basis for future therapeutic strategies.

In addition to the study of RSUME in pituitary tumors processes, we approach this goal by conducting the following research topics:

Role of IL-6 in the senescence of pituitary tumors

We have described that the autocrine signal of interleukin 6 (IL-6) induces in pituitary adenomas, senescence, a mechanism that consists in the irreversible arrest of the cell cycle as a protective response to neoplastic transformation. We focus on the mechanisms of this pathway of IL-6 in the senescence of pituitary adenomas, considering it could contribute to the benign nature of these tumors.


Role of BMP-4 in pituitary tumors

Our group described that Bone Morphogenic Protein 4 (BMP-4) plays a dual role in pituitary tumor pathogenesis, promoting the proliferation of prolactinomas and inhibiting corticotropic tumorigenesis, in which retinoic acid (RA) acts as upstream effector of the inhibitory effect of BMP-4. We study the mechanisms by which RA exerts its action on BMP-4, in order to identify specific factors to understand the differential action of BMP-4 in pituitary tumorigenesis.


Project of physiopathological impact and molecular mechanisms of inflammatory mediators

Investigating the mechanisms controlling GR associated co-chaperones activity represents an important issue to understand the molecular underpinnings contributing to HPA function and related disorders.

Dynamic regulation of the molecular properties of these proteins by SUMOylation, contributes to further understanding the complexity of GR and co-chaperone-mediated processes in health and disease. In this context we have recently described that antidepressants inhibit PIAS4-mediated SUMOylation of FKBP51, an important inhibitor of the glucocorticoid receptor (GR) signaling. These results describe the action of antidepressants as repressors of FKBP51 SUMOylation as a molecular switch for restoring GR sensitivity. The work describes that tricyclic antidepressants inhibit FKBP51 SUMOylation, and that this inhibition caused by the decreased interaction of FKBP51 with PIAS4, directly impacts on the negative regulatory functions of FKBP51 on GR (which is deregulated in stress-related diseases). Thus, the action of antidepressants as repressors of FKBP51 SUMOylation acts as a molecular switch that helps to restore glucocorticoid receptor sensitivity. These findings provide new potential routes of antidepressant intervention, which we continue to explore.

Our group continues several collaborations on the molecular mechanisms of GR action and inflammatory mediators.

Publications related to this project

  • Herbstein F, Sapochnik M, Attorresi  A, Pollak P, Senin S, Gonilsk -Pacin D, Ciancio del Giudice N, Fiz M, , Elguero B,  Fuertes, M, Müller L, Marily Theodoropoulou M, Pontel LB, Arzt E
    The SASP factor IL-6 sustains cell-autonomous senescent cells via a cGAS-STING-NFκB intracrine senescent non-canonical pathway.
    Aging Cell, 00, e14258 (2024).
  • Gonilski-Pacin D, Ciancio Del Giudice N, Elguero B, Arzt E
    Expression of RSUME is Associated With Poor Prognosis in Clear Cell Renal Carcinoma: Involvement of ROS Related Metabolism
    Clin Genitourin Cancer (2023) Jun;21(3):393-402.e5.
  • Budziñski ML*, Sokn C*, Gobbini R, Ugo B, Antunica-Noguerol M, Senin S, Bajaj T, Gassen N, Rein T, Schmidt M, Binder E, Arzt E# and Liberman A#
    Tricyclic antidepressants target FKBP51 SUMOylation to restore glucocorticoid receptor activity.
    Mol Psychiatry. 27:2533-2545 (2022)
    * corresponding authors
    # contributed equally
  • Tedesco L, Elguero B, Pacin DG, Senin S, Pollak C, Garcia Marchiñena PA, Jurado AM, Isola M, Labanca MJ, Palazzo M, Yankilevich P, Fuertes M, Arzt E.
    Von Hippel-Lindau mutants in renal cell carcinoma are regulated by increased expression of RSUME.
    Cell Death Dis. 10:266 (2019)
  • Fuertes M., Sapochnik M., Tedesco L., Senin S., Attorresi A., Ajler P., Carrizo G., Cervio A., Sevlever G., Bonfiglio JJ., Stalla GK., Arzt E.
    Protein stabilization by RSUME accounts for PTTG pituitary tumor abundance and oncogenicity.
    Endocr Relat Cancer 25:665-676 (2018)
  • Deussing JM, Arzt E.
    P2X7 Receptor: A Potential Therapeutic Target for Depression?
    Trends Mol Med, 24:736-747, (2018)
  • Sapochnik M, Haedo MR, Fuertes M, Ajler P, Carrizo G, Cervio A, Sevlever G, Stalla GK, Arzt E.
    Autocrine IL-6 mediates pituitary tumor senescence.
    Oncotarget 8:4690-4702 (2017)
  • Antunica-Noguerol, M., Budziñski, ML., Druker, J., Gassen, NC., Sokn, MC., Senin, S., Aprile-Garcia, F., Holsboer, F., Rein, T., Liberman, AC.*, Arzt, E*.
    The activity of the glucocorticoid receptor is regulated by SUMO conjugation to FKBP51.
    Cell Death Differ. 23:1579-91 (2016)
  • Gerez J, Tedesco L, Bonfiglio JJ, Fuertes M, Barontini M, Silberstein S, Wu Y, Renner U, Páez-Pereda M, Holsboer F, Stalla GK, Arzt E
    RSUME inhibits VHL and regulates its tumor suppressor function.
    Oncogene 34: 4855-4866 (2015)
  • Antico Arciuch VG, Tedesco L, Fuertes M, Arzt E
    Role of RSUME in inflammation and cancer.
    FEBS Lett. 589:3330-5 (2015)
  • Druker, J.; Liberman, A.C.; Antunica Noguerol, M.; Gerez, J.; Paez Pereda, M.; Rein, T.; Iñiguez Lluhí, J.A.; Holsboer, F., Arzt, E.
    RSUME enhances Glucocorticoid Receptor SUMOylation and transcriptional activity.
    Molecular and Cellular Biology 33:2116-27 (2013)
  • Perez Castro, C.; Renner, U.; Haedo, M.; Gunter, K.; Stalla, G.K.; Arzt, E.
    Cellular and Molecular Specificity of Pituitary Gland Physiology.
    Physiological Reviews 92:1-38 (2012)
  • Giacomini D, Páez-Pereda M, Stalla J, Stalla GK, Arzt E.
    Molecular interaction of BMP-4, TGF-beta, and estrogens in lactotrophs: impact on the PRL promoter.
    Mol Endocrinol. 23:1102-1114 (2009)
  • Arzt E, Chesnokova V, Stalla GK, Melmed S.
    Pituitary adenoma growth: a model for cellular senescence and cytokine action.
    Cell Cycle 8:677-678 (2009)
  • Carbia-Nagashima, A., Gerez, J., Perez-Castro, C., Paez-Pereda, M., Silberstein, S., Stalla, G.K., Holsboer, F., Arzt, E.
    A new small RWD-containing protein enhances SUMO conjugation and stabilizes HIF-1alpha during hypoxia.
    Cell 131:309-323 (2007)
  • Castillo, V., Giacomini, D., Páez- Pereda M., Stalla, J., Labeur, M., Theodoropoulou, M., Holsboer, F., Grossman, A.B., Stalla, G.K., Arzt, E.
    Retinoic acid as a novel medical therapy for Cushing’s disease in dogs.
    Endocrinology 147:4438-4444 (2006)