1) Our collaborations
A – National
IBioBA has different collaborations with scientific, academic and health institutions.
University of Buenos Aires (UBA)
- IBioBA signed an agreement with the Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences (FCEN-UBA) for teaching activities and the development of undergraduate and doctoral theses.
- Hospital Durand.
- Hospital Italiano.
- Hospital Fernández.
- FLENI – Foundation of Neurological Research .
- Hospital Interzonal Eva Perón de San Martín.
B – International
Max Planck Institutes
The IBioBA performs its research activities in close cooperation several Max Planck Institutes, such us:
- Max Planck Institute of Molecular Physiology. Dortmund, Germany.
- Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry. München, Germany.
- Max Planck Institute for Heart and Lung Research. Bad Nauheim/Giessen, Germany.
- Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry. Göttingen, Germany.
- Max Planck Institute for Metabolism Research. Cologne, Germany.
FOCEM Project:
The IBioBA is part of the Biomedicine Network of the FOCEM (Fund for the Structural Convergence of Mercosur) Project. The goals of the Biomedicine Network are to promote the training of specialized human resources and to conduct joint research in topics such as Alzheimer and Parkinson diseases, metabolic pathologies such as diabetes and obesity, and genetic or oncological diseases such as cancer.
Asides from IBioBA, the following institutions are part of the Biomedicine Network of the FOCEM Project:
- Fundación Oswaldo Cruz, Brasil.
- Institut Pasteur of Montevideo, Uruguay.
- Central Laboratory of Public Health of the Ministry of Health [Laboratorio Central de Salud Pública del Ministerio de Salud], Paraguay.
- Center for the Development of Scientific Research [Centro para el Desarrollo de la Investigación Científica], Paraguay.
“Collaboration: Biomedical network in South America”. Nature 491:333, 2012.
“Capacity building: Architects of South American science. Strengthen networks”, Nature 510:209, 2014.