1) Our collaborations

A – National

IBioBA has different collaborations with scientific, academic and health institutions.

University of Buenos Aires (UBA)




B – International

Max Planck Institutes

The IBioBA performs its research activities in close cooperation several Max Planck Institutes, such us:


FOCEM Project:

The IBioBA is part of the Biomedicine Network of the FOCEM (Fund for the Structural Convergence of Mercosur) Project. The goals of the Biomedicine Network are to promote the training of specialized human resources and to conduct joint research in topics such as Alzheimer and Parkinson diseases, metabolic pathologies such as diabetes and obesity, and genetic or oncological diseases such as cancer.

Asides from IBioBA, the following institutions are part of the Biomedicine Network of the FOCEM Project:

Collaboration: Biomedical network in South America”. Nature 491:333, 2012.

Capacity building: Architects of South American science. Strengthen networks”, Nature 510:209, 2014.

2) Activities for graduates

As part of our policy for the permanent training of human resources, the Institute organizes meetings where leading researchers from different parts of the world present the latest advances in their research areas.

The international symposium Frontiers in Bioscience is a reference meeting in the region. To date, four Nobel Prize winners have participated, as well as more than 20 directors of Max Planck Institutes in each edition.


A – Frontiers in Bioscience

  • Frontiers in Bioscience 1: April 22 – 25, 2012.
  • Frontiers in Bioscience 2: November 17-19, 2016.
  • Frontiers in Bioscience 3: September 17-19, 2018.
  • Frontiers in Bioscience 4: September 13-15, 2023.


B – Workshops

IBioBA organizes different workshops ans symposia, such as:

  • Workshop “Quality System at Research Laboratory” organized by the Biomedicine Network of the Mercosur Structural Convergence Fund (FOCEM). Buenos Aires, August 14 – 16, 2019.
  • Workshop ‘Neurobiology Perspectives’, organized by PhD students from IBioBA. Buenos Aires, May 16 and 17, 2018.
  • Workshop IBioBA –Max Planck Society. Buenos Aires, Argentina, November 27-30, 2017.
  • Workshop ‘Cancer Perspectives’, organized by PhD students from IBioBA. Buenos Aires, October 10-11, 2017.
  • Max Planck International Neuroscience Symposium & Workshop. Buenos Aires, Argentina, September 3 and 4, 2015.
  • Molecular Dynamics on Cell Fate Decision and Metabolic signatures symposium. Buenos Aires, Argentina, July 13, 2015.
  • Satellite workshop “The neural basis of depression” at the IBRO Congress. Río de Janeiro, Brasil, July 7-11, 2015.

3) Outreach activities

For us, the link between science and society is fundamental and this translates into multiple activities for students and general audiences, such as:


A – Pestalozzi School

Students of this school visit our institute every year, where they participate in different lectures and laboratory activities, which include contents of the school program and delve into the practical aspects. In addition every year senior students prepare at IBioBA their projects to participate in the contest Jugend Forscht (Young researchers) of Germany, considered one of the most important for students in Europe.


B – Max Planck day

On Friday September 14, 2018, the institutes of the Max Planck Society celebrated the Max Planck day (Max Planck Tag) to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the MPG, the 160th birthday of Max Planck and the 100th anniversary of Max Planck being presented with the Nobel Prize.

In Argentina, our Institute organized an open day with a series of activities and experiments for students and the general audience, where more than 500 visitors and students from the City of Buenos Aires and the Greater Buenos Aires participated.


C – The Night of the Museums

On November 2, 2019, we participated, for the first time, at The Night of the Museums, a massive cultural event that has been taking place for more than fifteen years in the city of Buenos Aires. The entire IBioBa´s team presented special activities for the general public with the aim of bringing scientific work to the community in a fun and creative way. We received around 4,000 people, including adults, youth and children.

On September 23, 2023, we once again took part in this initiative. Around 6,000 people passed by the three stands set up by the institute inside the Cultural Science Centre (C3), as part of La Noche de los Museos (Night of the Museums). IBioBA’s proposals revolved around genes and the senses: why do we sleep, how do we look, how does information travel from the outside world to the brain? These were some of the questions that guided the exhibition to understand how genes shape the way we see the world.


D – The Argentine Science Night

On 3 November 2023, IBioBA took part in the first edition of “La Noche de la Ciencia Argentina”, held at the Centro Cultural de la Ciencia (C3), which showcased the work of different organizations in the country’s National Science, Technology and Innovation System. The institute set up two stands, focused on answering how genes shape the way people perceive reality. Between 7pm and midnight, we received more than 3,000 people of different ages.