The research of the Max-Planck Heart and Lung Research Group (MP-HL lab) focuses on the mechanistic bases of hypoxia, senescence, inflammation and repair of the cardio-pulmonary system.

The MPI of Heart and Lung Research is joining forces and sharing tools with IBioBA’s research expertise in the field of cerebral abnormalities and neuro-vascular diseases.

Research topics include, among others:

  • The role of the RSUME-VHL-HIF axis in hypoxia and ischemia driven diseases of the cardio-pulmonary system.
  • Role of the RSUME-NFκB axis in inflammatory lung diseases.
  • Cytokines in senescence.
  • Computional chemistry and drug design in the context of G-protein coupled receptor ligands.
  • The role of macrophages and their functional phenotypes in acute lung injury and repair mechanisms.

Contact MPI-HL research group

Group Head

Prof. Werner Seeger


Dr. med. vet. Mareike Gierhardt (Hypoxia)

Dr. Maximiliano Ferrero (Lung inflammation and regenerative mechanisms)

This laboratory is operational at and is affiliated to IBioBA