Umbrella organizations: National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET) and partner of the Max Planck Society for the Advancement of Science.
Founding date of the Institute:
- October 6, 2011: inauguration of the new building of IBioBA at the Scientific and Technological Polo of Buenos Aires.
- April 22 to 25, 2012: the international symposium Frontiers in Bioscience, organized in the scientific ‘Polo’ marked the beginning of the activities for graduates and outreach actions of the institute.
- October 2012: the first reseach group moved to de new building.
Director: Dr. Damián Refojo (since december 2022)
Founding Director: Prof. Dr. Eduardo Arzt.
Staff: about 90.
Nations represented: aprox. 10.
Research groups: 10 (3 of which are IBioBA – CONICET – Max Planck Research Groups) + one Max Planck Guest Laboratory.
61.11% of the researchers and fellows are women, while 63.73% of the total staff of the institute are women.