Seminar – November 4, 2019
SPEAKER: Florencia Quiroga (Institute of Biomedical Research in Retroviruses and AIDS – UBA-CONICET) TITLE: Regulation of innate and adaptive immune responses against Mycobacterium…
SPEAKER: Florencia Quiroga (Institute of Biomedical Research in Retroviruses and AIDS – UBA-CONICET) TITLE: Regulation of innate and adaptive immune responses against Mycobacterium…
SPEAKER: Pablo Aguilar (Laboratorio de Biología Celular de Membranas – IFIByNE – UNSAM – CONICET TITLE: A search of gamete…
SPEAKER: Marla Feller, UC Berkeley. TITLE: The Development of Functional Circuits in the Retina. DATE: Tuesday, October 1, 10:00 hs.…
SPEAKER: Geraldine Gueron, Head of Lab of Cancer & Inflammation – IQUIBICEN TITLE: Decoding the multiple signals triggered in prostate carcinogenesis VENUE: Seminar room…
SPEAKER: Dr. Liliana Dain (Malbrán Institute) TITLE: 21-hydroxylase deficiency and congenital anomalies as examples of the contribution of the genetic and…
SPEAKER: Dr. Romina Barrozo from the Department of Biodiversity and Experimental Biology (Biodiversity and Experimental and Applied Biology Research Institute…
SPEAKER: Dr. Mariana Salatino, independent researcher of CONICET at IBYME. TITLE: Protein-Glycan interactions as therapeutic targets in metastatic Breast Cancer.…
Date: Monday, August 12, 12:00 hs. Speaker: Dr. Lucía Franchini, independent researcher of CONICET at INGEBI. Venue: Seminar room IBioBA-CONICET-MPSP.…
Date: Wednesday, July 17, 12:00 hs. Speaker: Dr. Javier Muñoz García, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain. Venue: Seminar room…
Date: Thursday, July 11, 12:00 hs. Speaker: Dr. Carlos J. Camacho, Department of Computational and Systems Biology, University of Pittsburgh,…
Date: Wednesday, July 10, 17:30 hs. Speaker: Dr. Saúl Ares. Grupo Interdisciplinar de Sistemas Complejos (GISC), Centro Nacional de Biotecnología…
Date: Wednesday, July 3, 12:00 hs. Speaker: Dr. Katja Brueckner. University of California, San Francisco. Venue: Seminar room IBioBA-CONICET-MPSP. Godoy…