Virtual Seminar – December 13th, 2021
SPEAKER: Estefania Mancini (Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG), Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain). TITLE: “Reconstruction of splicing networks: towards a roadmap of…
SPEAKER: Estefania Mancini (Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG), Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain). TITLE: “Reconstruction of splicing networks: towards a roadmap of…
SPEAKER: Daniel Hochbaum (Department of Biodiversity and Experimental Biology, FCEN, UBA) TITLE: “Modeling cognitive disorders in the nematode C. elegans” DATE:…
SPEAKER: Leandro Casiraghi (Laboratorio de Cronobiología, Quilmes University) TITLE:Human sleep, then and now: From moonlight to the lightbulb DATE: Monday,…
SPEAKER: Gabriela Pagnussat (Instituto de Investigaciones Biológicas de Mar del Plata) TITLE: “Ferroptosis in plants: triggers, proposed mechanisms and the role…
SPEAKER: Claudia Kleinman (McGill University, Canada) TITLE: TBA DATE: Monday, September 20th, 12:00 am. VENUE: Virtual seminar room (Buenos Aires,…
SPEAKER: PhD Pablo Schilman (IBBEA – UBA) TITLE: TBA DATE: Monday, August 23rd, 12:00 am. VENUE: Virtual seminar room (Buenos…
SPEAKER: Dra. Eloísa Arana (INIGEM – UBA – CONICET) TITLE: Commensals, Pathogens, and Immunity from the perspective of oro-pharyngeal mucosae…
SPEAKER: PhD. Nara Guisoni (INIFTA – UNLP – CONICET). TÍTLE: Following the footprints of variability during filopodial growth: mathematical models…
SPEAKER: Dr. Alejandra Ventura (IFIBYNE). TÍTLE: Processing pulsatile inputs in cell signaling: when to expect a frequency preference response? DATE:…
SPEAKER: Dr. Leonardo Erijman (INGEBI). TÍTLE: A time-resolved genome-centric metagenomics approach to explore microbial community dynamics in wastewater treatment plants…
SPEAKER: Alejandro Buschiazzo (Institut Pasteur de Montevideo). TÍTLE: Sensors and regulators: pliable proteins enable bacterial signaling. DATE: Monday, April 26th,…
SPEAKER: Dr. Juan Ignacio Fernandino (Developmental Biology Laboratory – Instituto Tecnológico de Chascomús – CONICET-UNSAM) TITLE: Cystic proliferation of germline…