Physics degree, Balseiro Institute (1996), PhD in Physics, Balseiro Institute (2001). Postdoctoral position at the International Center for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy (2002-2004). Postdoctoral position at the Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden, Germany (2004-2007). Researcher at the National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET) of Argentina, since 2007. Guest scientist at the Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics, Dresden, Germany (2009-2012). In October 2015 he joined the IBIOBA-MPSP as Max Planck-CONICET Research Group Leader of ‘Information processing in cells and biological tissues’.
Selected publications
- D. M. Arribas, A. Marin-Burgin, L. G. Morelli
Adult-born granule cells improve stimulus encoding and discrimination in the dentate gyrus
eLife 12:e80250 (2023). - D. Raina§, F. Fabris§, L. G. Morelli* and C. Schröter*
Intermittent ERK oscillations downstream of FGF in mouse embryonic stem cells
Development, 149 dev199710 (2022).
* – co-corresponding author, § – equal contribution - S. M. Fernandez Arancibia, H. E. Grecco and L. G. Morelli
Effective description of bistability and irreversibility in apoptosis
Phys. Rev. E 104, 064410 (2021). - K Uriu, B-K Liao, AC Oates and LG Morelli
From local resynchronization to global pattern recovery in the zebrafish segmentation clock
eLife 10:e61358 (2021). - Petrungaro G, Uriu K, Morelli LG.
Synchronization dynamics of mobile oscillators in the presence of coupling delays
Phys. Rev. E 99:062207 (2019). - Lleras-Forero L, Narayanan R, Huitema LF, VanBergen M, Apschner A, Peterson-Maduro J, Logister I, Valentin G, Morelli LG*, Oates AC*, Schulte-Merker S*.
Segmentation of the zebrafish axial skeleton relies on notochord sheath cells and not on the segmentation clock.
eLife 7:e33843 (2018).
* – equal contribution - D. J. Jörg, L. G. Morelli and F. Jülicher
Chemical event chain model of coupled genetic oscillators
Phys. Rev. E 97 032409 (2018). - G. Petrungaro, K. Uriu and L. G. Morelli
Mobility-induced persistent chimera states
Phys. Rev E 96 062210 (2017). - Lengyel IM, Morelli LG
Multiple binding sites for transcriptional repressors can produce regular bursting and enhance noise suppression
Phys. Rev. E 95:042412 (2017). - Webb AB, Lengyel IM, Jörg DJ, Valentin G, Jülicher F, Morelli LG, Oates AC
Persistence, period and precision of autonomous cellular oscillators from the zebrafish segmentation clock
eLife 5:e08438 (2016). - D. J. Jörg, L. G. Morelli, D. Soroldoni, A. C. Oates and F. Jülicher
Continuum theory of vertebrate segmentation
New J. Phys. 17 093042 (2015). - K. Uriu and L. G. Morelli
Collective cell movement promotes synchronization of coupled genetic oscillators
Biophys. J. 107, 514–526 (2014). - Soroldoni D, Jörg DJ, Morelli LG, Richmond DL, Schindelin J, Jülicher F, Oates AC
A Doppler effect in embryonic pattern formation
Science 345:222–225 (2014). - Jörg D, Morelli LG, Ares S, Jülicher F
Synchronization dynamics in the presence of coupling delays and phase shifts
Phys. Rev. Lett. 112:174101 (2014). - Uriu K, Ares S, Oates AC, Morelli LG
Dynamics of mobile coupled phase oscillators
Phys. Rev. E 87:032911 (2013). - S. Ares*, L. G. Morelli*, D. J. Jörg, A. C. Oates and F. Jülicher
Collective modes of coupled phase oscillators with delayed coupling
Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 204101 (2012). - Morelli LG, Uriu K, Ares S, Oates AC
Computational Approaches to Developmental Patterning
Science 336:187-191 (2012). - Oates AC, Morelli LG, Ares S
Patterning embryos with oscillations: the emerging structure, function, and dynamics of the vertebrate segmentation clock
Development 139:625-639 (2012). - Herrgen L, Ares S, Morelli LG, Schröter C, Jülicher F, Oates AC
Intercellular coupling regulates the period of the segmentation clock
Current Biology 20:1244-1253 (2010). - Morelli LG*, Ares S*, Herrgen L, Schröter C, Jülicher F, Oates AC
Delayed coupling theory of vertebrate segmentation
HFSP Journal, 3:55-66 (2009). - Peruani F, Morelli LG
Self-propelled particles with fluctuating speed and direction of motion in two dimensions
Phys. Rev. Lett. 99:010602 (2007). - Morelli LG, Jülicher F
Precision of genetic oscillators and clocks
Phys. Rev. Lett. 98:228101 (2007).