PhD in Biological Sciences, University of Buenos Aires (2000). Research internship at the Institute of Physiology, University of Wuerzburg, Germany (1999-2001).
Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of California San Diego, USA (2002-2008). In 2009 she returned to Argentina with a position as Researcher at the National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET), where she worked at the Laboratory of Neuronal Plasticity at the Leloir Institute (2009-2012). In 2013 she joined the IBIOBA-MPSP as a leader of the Neuronal Circuits Research Group.
Selected publications
- Federman, N., Romano, S.A., Amigo-Duran, M. et al.
Acquisition of non-olfactory encoding improves odour discrimination in olfactory cortex.
Nat Commun 15, 5572 (2024). - Giusti SA, Pino NS, Pannunzio C, Ogando MB, Armando NG, Garrett L, Zimprich A, Becker L, Gimeno ML, Lukin J, Merino FL, Pardi MB, Pedroncini O, Di Mauro GC, Durner VG, Fuchs H, de Angelis MH, Patop IL, Turck CW, Deussing JM, Vogt Weisenhorn DM, Jahn O, Kadener S, Hölter SM, Brose N, Giesert F, Wurst W, Marin-Burgin A, Refojo D.
A brain-enriched circular RNA controls excitatory neurotransmission and restricts sensitivity to aversive stimuli
Sci Adv. 4;10(21):eadj8769. (2024) - Facal CL, Bessone IF, Muñiz JA, Pereyra AE, Pedroncini O, Páez-Paz I, Clerici-Delville R, Arnaiz C, Urrutia L, Falasco G, Argañaraz CV, Saez T, Marin-Burgin A, Soiza-Reilly M, Falzone T, Avale ME
Tau reduction with artificial microRNAs modulates neuronal physiology and improves tauopathy phenotypes in mice
Mol Ther. S1525-0016(24)00033-9. (2024) doi: 10.1016/j.ymthe.2024.01.033. - Olivia Pedroncini, Noel Federman, Antonia Marin-Burgin.
Lateral entorhinal cortex afferents reconfigure the activity in piriform cortex circuits
BioRxiv (2024) doi: - Diego Arribas, Antonia Marin-Burgin*, Luis Morelli*
Adult-born granule cells improve stimulus encoding and discrimination in the dentate gyrus
eLife 12:e80250 (2023) - Mora B. Ogando, Olivia Pedroncini, Noel Federman, Sebastián A. Romano, Luciano A. Brum, Guillermo M. Lanuza, Damian Refojo, Antonia Marin-Burgin
Cholinergic modulation of dentate gyrus processing through dynamic reconfiguration of inhibitory circuits
Cell Rep. Volume 36, Issue 8, 109572 (2021) - Di Bella DJ, Carcagno AL, Bartolomeu ML, Pardi MB, Löhr H, Siegel N, Hammerschmidt M, Marín-Burgin A, Lanuza GM
Ascl1 Balances Neuronal versus Ependymal Fate in the Spinal Cord Central Canal.
Cell Rep. 2264-2274.e3. (2019) - Tomasella E, Bechelli L, Ogando MB, Mininni C, Di Guilmi MN, De Fino F, Zanutto S, Elgoyhen AB, Marin-Burgin A, Gelman DM.
Dopamine D2 receptor selective deletion from parvalbumin interneurons causes schizophrenia-like phenotypes.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 115:3476-3481 (2018) - Pardi M.B., Ogando M.B., Schinder A.F., Marin-Burgin A.
Differential inhibition onto developing and mature granule cells generates high-frequency filters with variable gain.
eLife 4:e08764 (2015) - Marin-Burgin A, Mongiat LA, PardiMB, Schinder AF.
Unique Processing During a Period of High Excitation/Inhibition Balance in Adult-Born Neurons.
Science 335:1238-42 (2012) - Marin-Burgin A, Schinder AF.
Requirement of adult-born neurons for hippocampus-dependent learning.
Behav Brain Res 227:391-399 (2012) - Pouille F*, Marin-Burgin A*, Adesnik H, Atallah BV, ScanzianiM.
*Equal contribution
Input normalization by global feed forward inhibition expands cortical dynamic range.
Nature Neurosci 12:1577-1585 (2009) - Baca SM*, Marin-Burgin A*, Wagenaar DA, KristanJr WB.
*Equal contribution
Widespread Inhibition proportional to excitation controls the gain of a leech behavioral circuit.
Neuron 57:276-289 (2008) - Marin-Burgin A, Eisenhart FJ, Baca SM, KristanJr WB, French KA
Sequential development of electrical and chemical synaptic connections generates a specific behavioral circuit in the leech.
J Neurosci 25:2478-2489 (2005) - Wach J*, Marin-Burgin A*, Klusch A, Forster C, Engert S, Sccwab A, Petersen M
*Equal contribution
Low-Threshold Heat Receptor in Chick Sensory Neurons is Upregulated Independently of Nerve Growth Factor after Nerve Injury.
Neuroscience 117:513-519 (2003) - Marín-Burgin A, Szczupak L
Network Interactions among Sensory Neurons in the Leech.
J Comp Physiol A 189:59-67 (2003)