The Confocal and Epi-fluorescence microscopy platform has state-of-the-art equipment to observe and analyze both live and fixed samples with an endogenous fluorescent label, or marked with fluorescent molecules, intercalating agents or antibodies bound to fluorophores.

Confocal microscopy


  • Live imaging (Focus control, T, % CO2, %H)
  • Time lapse.
  • Tile scan (mosaic)
  • Z-Stack (3D reconstruction)
  • Calcium imaging (non-quantitative)
  • Tracking of particles.
  • FRET.
  • Spectral deconvolution (QUASAR detector)
  • FRAP.
Image 28_Maximum intensity projection


  • Zeiss LSM710 inverted microscope with Live Imaging System.
  • Zeiss LSM710 inverted microscope.

Both devices have lasers of 405/458/488/514/543/633 nm.

Epi-fluorescence microscopy


  • Live imaging (Focus control, T, % CO2, % H)
  • Time lapse.
  • Tile scan (mosaic)
  • Calcium imaging (non-quantitative)
  • Tracking of particles.
Neuronas - Raquel Becerra - Para pedir autorización_small


  • Zeiss AxioObserverZ1 inverted microscope with Live Imaging System.

The equipment has LED lighting 385/455/470/505/555/590/625 nm.


The Confocal and Epi-fluorescence microscopy service is open to the scientific community through the National Microscopy System, dependent on the Secretariat of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation.

In charge of the Microscopy Platform

Bioq. Alejandra Attorresi

Dr. Cora Pollak