Seminars at IBioBA

Due to the academic recess of educational institutions during the summer season in Argentina, we will resume the cycle of seminars during the month of March 2023. To see the seminars that took place during 2022, please click on this link.

Seminar – Monday, December 5th, 2022

SPEAKER: Michael Boshart (Laboratory of Molecular Parasitology – Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Germany) TITLE: “Cyclic Nucleotide signaling and Protein kinase A in kinetiplastid parasites” DATE: Monday, December 5th, 12 p.m. VENUE: IBioBA´s Seminar room. Godoy Cruz 2390, C1425FQD, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Seminar – Friday, November 25th, 2022

SPEAKER: Manuel Collado Rodriguez (Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria (IDIS), Santiago de Compostela) TITLE: “Cell senescence in development, tissue repair and cancer” DATE: Viernes 25 de noviembre, 12:00 am VENUE: Sala de Seminarios del IBioBA-CONICET-MPSP. Godoy Cruz 2390, C1425FQD, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Virtual Seminar – Monday, May 30th, 2022

SPEAKER: Ana Amador (Physics Department, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales FCEN-UBA) TÍTULO: Rhythms in a songbird brain DATE: Monday, May 30th, 12:00 am. VENUE: Virtual seminar room (Buenos Aires, Argentina) About the talk: Birdsong is a complex motor activity that emerges from the interaction between the central and peripheral nervous systems, with the body…