Medical Students’ Practical Training Initiative at IBioBA

Medical students from the University of Buenos Aires (UBA) recently undertook a laboratory session at the Instituto de Investigación en Biomedicina de Buenos Aires (IBioBA, CONICET – Max Planck). Their visit encompassed familiarizing themselves with the Institute’s state-of-the-art facilities and engaging in a practical application of forensic genetics utilizing the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) technique. Beyond…

Seminar – Monday, April 22, 2024

SPEAKER: Dra. Silvina Ponce Dawson (Departamento de Física, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, UBA) TITLE: “Encoding changes in the environment in the frequency or amplitude of intermediates equips cells with qualitatively different informational capabilities”. DATE: Monday, April 22, 12 PM. VENUE:  IBioBA´s seminar room. Godoy Cruz 2390, C1425FQD, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Guided by IBioBA, students from the Pestalozzi School won the first stage of the German competition “Youth Researches”

Three secondary school students won first place in the regional stage of Jugend Forscht (Youth Researches), the renowned European science competition, with a project on the effects of flavourings in e-cigarettes. In October 2023, Sofía Capello, Zoe Augspach and Milagros Ruiz Lodwig began to shape their project in the laboratories of the Buenos Aires Institute…

Seminar – Monday, March 18, 2024

SPEAKER: Dr. Alejandro Nadra (Instituto de Biociencias, Biotecnología y Biología Traslacional (iB3) – FCEN – UBA) TITLE: “10 years of biosensors development for detection of water contaminants: biological, physical and -sort of- political devices” DATE: Monday, March 18, 12 PM. VENUE:  IBioBA´s seminar room. Godoy Cruz 2390, C1425FQD, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Seminar – Monday, March 11, 2024

SPEAKER: Dr. Sebastian Kadener (Brandeis University, USA) TITLE: “Beyond the clock neurons: Control and transmission of oscillatory gene expression across the brain” DATE: Monday, March 11, 12 PM. VENUE:  IBioBA´s seminar room. Godoy Cruz 2390, C1425FQD, Buenos Aires, Argentina.