Virtual Seminar – March 29th, 2021

SPEAKER: Dr. Juan Ignacio Fernandino (Developmental Biology Laboratory – Instituto Tecnológico de Chascomús – CONICET-UNSAM) TITLE: Cystic proliferation of germline stem cells in gonadal development, reproduction and mating behavior. DATE: Monday, March 29th, 12:00 am. VENUE: Virtual seminar room (Buenos Aires, Argentina)

New Group Leader Tomás Falzone.

New Group Leaders at IBioBA

As part of the recently opened call for a Group Leader position at IBioBA, we are pleased to announce that the winner of the position is Dr. Tomas Falzone, whose group will become part of our research teams. On the other hand, the committee recommended Dr. Nara Muraro to become Group Leader. New Group Leader…