The virtual seminar program begins in recess due to the suspension of academic activities in Argentina during the summer. The series will resume in virtual format during the month of March 2022. To view the 2021 seminars, please click on this link.

Visit from Agency & CABEI 1

Authorities from the R&D Agency, the Secretariat for Strategic Affairs and CABEI visited our Institute

After a long time without receiving visits, yesterday afternoon we opened our doors to a delegation composed of authorities from the National Agency for the Promotion of Research, Technological Development and Innovation (Agencia I+D+i), from the Secretariat of Strategic Affairs -an advisory body of the Presidency of the Nation-, and from the Central American Bank…

Building facade

IBioBA turns ten years old

The Biomedicine Research Institute CONICET-Max Planck of Buenos Aires celebrates a decade working towards the development of knowledge, focusing on the advancement of biosciences and the importance of articulation with other nations and scientific and technological organizations. Ten years ago, the doors of the Biomedicine Research Institute of Buenos Aires building, located in the Scientific…