Since the end of March, we implemented changes in the teams´s work routine based on the social, preventive and compulsory isolation measures issued by the National Government.

From this, our guards maintain the essential functions of the Institute (e.g. nitrogen tanks for cells, animal facility, etc.) and the groups work from their homes in the bibliographic review, in the experimental designs and in the writing of works to publish. They also maintain constant virtual meetings to share project progress, or to read and discuss scientific news about COVID-19.

Seminar Program through a virtual platform.
Seminar Program through a virtual platform.
Fellows meeting.
Fellows meeting.
Group leaders meeting.
Group leaders meeting.


We also made our communication channels available to spread all the preventive measures of the disease given by the Ministry of Health of the Nation.

As we reported, through our participation in the Biomedicine Network financed by FOCEM-MERCOSUR, we participate in the acquisition of supplies and reagents for the purchase and development of diagnostic kits for COVID-19, by the COVID-19 Unit of the Unit of the Ministry of Science and Technology (MinCyT).

The new activity resumed on May 11 was the Seminar Program through a virtual platform that facilitated the participation of all the members of the Institute. This program will be continuous and we anticipate the participation of national and international external guests.