This year ends with several goals accomplished and new projects for 2020.
During 2019 the Institute carried out a wide spectrum of activities focused on three fundamental aims: scientific excellence, international cooperation and science communication.
During this period, IBioBA researchers attended to different events and strategic meetings to give continuity to the joint research projects that are being developed, or to generate new approaches. On the other hand, several of our fellows continued to perform experimental stays at Max Planck Institutes in Germany or other international institutions. With the same objective, foreign scientists were received who also gave some of the seminars as part of the annual training program of the Institute, and we actively participated in the project of the Biomedicine Network of FOCEM-MERCOSUR.
Among the challenges that the IBioBA had, two can be mentioned: on one hand, the visit and evaluation by the Scientific Advisory Committee (SAB) composed of internationally recognized researchers; and, on the other, the first participation in the traditional Night of the Museums with a massive attendance of 4,000 people who participated in recreational and interactive proposals with researchers, fellows and technicians of the Institute.
To know more details about IBioBa activities during this year you can enter the link; and, the complete list of seminars program 2019 can be found on this site.