On Saturday, November 2, from 8:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. we will participate for the first time in this cultural initiative that has been carried out for more than fifteen years in the City of Buenos Aires (Argentina). We will have two activities at the Institute (Godoy Cruz 2390) and at the Science Cultural Center (Godoy Cruz 2270) both located at the Scientific and Technological Polo of Buenos Aires:

• “Einstein’s brain relativity”: an invitation to see the projection of brain slices from one of the most popular scientists of the twentieth century. How did they get to Argentina? What does the brain tell us about our intelligence and creativity? How do we study it today? In addition, we will learn about his life and the close relationship with physicist Max Planck, with whom he had not only scientific common interest but also a deep friendship. At 8 pm, the night will be opened by the presentation of Dr. Jorge Colombo, a neuroscientist who will talk about the story of how he received and studied these brain slices in the mid-1990s.

• “A night at the lab”: interactive laboratories with playful proposals to experience the techniques used in research and learn about fascinating curiosities of science. Attendees will be able to experiment through games for all ages.

All activities are free and for the general public.


The Nigth of Museums is since more than 15 years the main cultural open event in the City. During the night, museums and other cultural or public places, open their dors with a special progrma for all people.

See the full  program at  www.lanochedelosmuseos.gob.ar