Seminar – September 9, 2019

SPEAKER: Dr. Romina Barrozo from the Department of Biodiversity and Experimental Biology (Biodiversity and Experimental and Applied Biology Research Institute – Universtiy of Buenos Aires) TITLE: “To eat or not to eat that’s the question for blood-sucking insects” VENUE: Seminar room IBioBA-CONICET-MPSP. Godoy Cruz 2390, C1425FQD, Buenos Aires, Argentina. DATE: Monday, August 12, 12:00 hs. Abstract: Food…

Seminar – August 26, 2019

SPEAKER: Dr. Mariana Salatino, independent researcher of CONICET at IBYME. TITLE: Protein-Glycan interactions as therapeutic targets in metastatic Breast Cancer. VENUE: Seminar room IBioBA-CONICET-MPSP. Godoy Cruz 2390, C1425FQD, Buenos Aires, Argentina. DATE: Monday, August 12, 12:00 hs.