Our institute took part of the celebrations organized by the Max Planck Society.
On Friday, September 14, the institutes of the Max Planck Society opened their doors to celebrate the Max Planck day, on the 160th anniversary of the birth of the physicist, 100 years of his award of the Nobel Prize and the 70th anniversary of the creation of the Society.
In Argentina, our Institute organized a series of activities and experiments for students and the general audience, in which more than 500 visitors and primary and secondary students from Buenos Aires participated.
During the Max Planck Tag (Max Planck Day) they measured neurons, learned more about cell fluorescence, crystals and drug design, neuronal transport, DNA extraction, synchronization in cells and organisms, memory and association, and 3D cells, among other activities and experiments.
In addition, they visited the Institute with the researchers, who in addition to showing them the laboratories and equipment, explained the different research lines and experiments carried out at the IBioBA.