
Prof. Dr. Eduardo Arzt, Director of the IBioBA, was appointed member of the Academy of Sciences of Latin America (ACAL), an institution whose mission is “to promote and contribute to the development of the mathematical, physical, chemical, life and earth sciences and their applications for the benefit of the development and human, cultural and social integration of Latin America and the Caribbean”, as indicated on their Web site.

The appointment of Prof. Dr. Arzt is a recognition of his high-level scientific activity, his contributions to the progress of science and the integration of Latin America and the Caribbean through scientific cooperation.

“It is for me a great honor to have been appointed as a member of ACAL, and a recognition not only for me but for all the teams that I have worked with throughout my career in Argentina, Germany and Mexico. From the IBioBA we have sought to strengthen regional integration through FOCEM and MERCOSUR, with joint research and applied science projects that we hope will bring great benefits to the population”, Dr. Arzt says.