Visit of Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel

The Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany, Angela Merkel, with Dr. Eduardo Arzt, director of IBioBA. During her official stay in Argentina, the Federal Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany, Angela Merkel, visited us at the Polo Científico and gave a lecture to young scientists and students. During her conference, Dr. Merkel emphasized…

Interview to Dr. Arzt

The News Agency from the Leloir Institute interviewed Dr. Eduardo Arzt on occasion of his visit to the Leloir Institute for the invited Cardini Seminar. Click on the following link to read the complete story (in Spanish)

Students from ISEN visited the IBioBA

Students from the Foreign Service Institute of the Nation (ISEN, for its acronym in Spanish) from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Argentina visited the Institute in the frame of an activity of the National Direction of Cooperation and Institutional Integration (DNCII) of the MINCyT and the ISEN. Future diplomats had contact with different aspects…

IBioBA Publications

Two recent publications of the Institute were highlighted by CONICET, that interviewed the two groups that generated the publications, Dr. Carolina Perez Castro and Dr. Susana Silberstein. How does the brain tumor originate and develop? (in Spanish) Researchers from CONICET discovered a mechanism involved in the development and growth of glioblastoma, a very aggressive cancer variant.…