Students of the Pestalozzi Deutsche Schule prepared throughout the year at IBioBA to participate in one of the most important science contest for young people of Europe.
The agreement between the Biomedicine Research institute of Buenos Aires (IBioBA, CONICET – Partner Institute of the Max Planck Society) and the Pestalozzi school includes different activities, among which the participation of students attending the fourth year of the secondary school in lectures and talks on the principles of basic science and how research is conducted at our institute and the Max Planck Society.
Throughout 2017 two students attending the International Secondary at the Pestalozzi School attended a research internship at IBioBA, where they prepared to participate in the contest Jugend Forscht (Young Researchers), considered one of the most important for students in Europe. Thanks to the work with IBioBA, in two previous editions the students of the Pestalozzi School achieved the third place in the regional rounds.
“When we come [to IBioBA] we not only learn biology and have the possibility to be in a laboratory, but we also learn how is science done in an every/day basis”, the students explain.
The activity is coordinated by Dr. Sebastián Giusti, associate researcher of the CONICET at IBioBA and member of the Molecular Neurobiology group Dr. Patricio Yankilevich, associate researcher of CONICET and head of the Bioinformatics Platform of our institute, also is part of the initiative.
“These activities and workshops with the kids have a very interesting side, both for them and for us. On the one hand, they are experiencing first-hand how the problems that arise in the day to day of science are resolved, not as the books describe it but as they really happen. And, on the other, for us it is an extremely enriching experience because we are not only doing science: we are also collaborating in the training of the youths”, explains Giusti.