Science workshop with the students of the Pestalozzi School

Students of the Pestalozzi Deutsche Schule prepared throughout the year at IBioBA to participate in one of the most important science contest for young people of Europe. The agreement between the Biomedicine Research institute of Buenos Aires (IBioBA, CONICET – Partner Institute of the Max Planck Society) and the Pestalozzi school includes different activities, among…

Seminars at IBioBA – 2017

During the 2017 IBioBA Seminar Series, national and international invited speakers lectured, and joint activities have been performed with other Institutes at the Polo. All the seminars that have been held on during this cycle are listed below. Seminars 2017

IBioBA: A week of international science

From November 27 to November 30, directors and group leaders of the Max Planck Society visited our institute, where they delivered different lectures and worked with scholars and students. For four days researchers and fellows from the Biomedicine Research Institute of Buenos Aires (IBioBA – CONICET – Partner Institute of the Max Planck Society) participated in…

Dr. Michael Buchfelder visited the IBioBA

Michael Buchfelder, Andrea Kleindienst and Eduardo Arzt, director of IBioBA. Today Prof. Dr. Michael Buchfelder, Head of the Department of Neurosurgery of the Clinic of Neurosurgery and Polyclinics of the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany, and Dr. Andrea Kleindienst, member of his team, visited out institute. Dr. Buchfelder has collaborations with different groups of the Instituto…