
The Director of our Institute has been awarded by the City of Buenos Aires, as Personality in Science. Outstanding Personality of the City of Buenos Aires.

Seminars at IBioBA – 2013

During the 2013 IBioBA Seminar Series, national and international invited speakers lectured, and joint activities have been performed with other Institutes at the Polo. All the seminars that have been held on during this cycle are listed below. Seminars 2013

Course on Structural Biology and Computational Methods

The Institut Pasteur de Montevideo and the Instituto de Investigación en Biomedicina de Buenos Aires-CONICET- Partner Institute of the Max Planck Society, organized a Hands-on course on Structural Biology and Computational Methods, from 11 to 15 November 2013 in Montevideo, in the frame of the FOCEM program. This introductory course made particular emphasis on practical…

Focem Project meeting

On July 29th and 30th, a meeting in the framework of the Focem Project was held at the Fundación Oswaldo Cruz, Río de Janeiro, with the aim of discussing the advances and planning of the project. Representatives of each institution taking part in the project attended: Dr. Luis Barbeito for the Instituto Pasteur of Montevideo,…

FOCEM Course

Introduction to Structural Biology and Bioinformatics (Practical Tips for non-experts) 11th – 15th November 2013, Institut Pasteur de Montevideo, Uruguay. The Institut in collaboration with the The Institut Pasteur de Montevideo, is organizing a basic Hands-on course on Structural Biology and Computational Methods, to take place from 11th to 15th November 2013 at the Institut Pasteur…